This Recycling page has FIVE major parts
PART ONE: Why we should recycle.
Quite simply, there are several materials that are not garbage or waste and can be converted into useful materials. Why use up precious virgin resources when we can recycle materials? Depending on lifestyle, the average household can recycle between 10 to 40% of its daily materials. Moreover, large and small recycling businesses exist so recycling helps create jobs.
PART TWO: What items can be recycled in the Santa Fe area
This discussion is complicated, so please bear with us. We intend to help you identify many different items that are recyclable. To do so, it is helpful to put items in different categories to explain what can or cannot be recycled in our area.
Category A: This category consists of the most frequently recycled items. All types of white and colored home and office paper, books, magazines, envelopes, cardboard, metals (e.g., steel and aluminum cans), paperboard (e.g., boxes for cereals, rice, and other items) and SOME (not all) plastic bottles and containers.
Category B: Glass,
Category C: Plastic bags
Category D: Yard waste, and other greenery, tires, and ashes
Category E: Specialty items for which recycling collection points exist locally such as plastic pens plastic dental items, etc. (see below).
Category F: Other Specialty items such as clothing, rags, athletic shoes, rechargeable batteries, plant containers, and other things such as cosmetics, computer equipment, TVs, some light bulbs
Many additional categories and items are explained below.
It is ESSENTIAL we recycle correctly, that is, to know how to prepare items for recycling and know WHERE to recycle them.
Category A: Paper, magazines, cardboard, plastic bottles
All Category A items can be recycled in either of two ways:
Glass can be recycled for free at convenience centers. Some waste haulers (BUT NOT WASTE MANAGMEENT) will accept glass, but you must check to see if they do. However, only glass bottles can be recycled. Glassware, vases, mirrors, or other glass items ARE NOT CURRENTLY RECYCLED IN OUR AREA. If these other materials are in good condition, there are options for where you can take them (SEE BELOW); if they are damaged throw these things into your garbage.
Category C items:
PLASTIC BAGS CAN RECYCLED but at commercial establishments that put out containers for their collection (e.g., Albertsons, Smith’s, Trader Joes). Some other businesses may accept plastic bags but check their website to be sure. DO NOT PUT PLASTIC BAGS IN WITH YOUR OTHER RECYCLING ITEMS. PLEASE, PLEASE, never do that; it creates major problems for recycling operations because the bags clog machines.
The picture below shows how plastic bags can clog recycling machines and cause major problems
- Why recycling is important
- What items can and cannot be recycled in the Santa Fe area
- How to recycle correctly
- Why the re-use of items is important
- Why first reducing what you use is important
PART ONE: Why we should recycle.
Quite simply, there are several materials that are not garbage or waste and can be converted into useful materials. Why use up precious virgin resources when we can recycle materials? Depending on lifestyle, the average household can recycle between 10 to 40% of its daily materials. Moreover, large and small recycling businesses exist so recycling helps create jobs.
PART TWO: What items can be recycled in the Santa Fe area
This discussion is complicated, so please bear with us. We intend to help you identify many different items that are recyclable. To do so, it is helpful to put items in different categories to explain what can or cannot be recycled in our area.
Category A: This category consists of the most frequently recycled items. All types of white and colored home and office paper, books, magazines, envelopes, cardboard, metals (e.g., steel and aluminum cans), paperboard (e.g., boxes for cereals, rice, and other items) and SOME (not all) plastic bottles and containers.
Category B: Glass,
Category C: Plastic bags
Category D: Yard waste, and other greenery, tires, and ashes
Category E: Specialty items for which recycling collection points exist locally such as plastic pens plastic dental items, etc. (see below).
Category F: Other Specialty items such as clothing, rags, athletic shoes, rechargeable batteries, plant containers, and other things such as cosmetics, computer equipment, TVs, some light bulbs
Many additional categories and items are explained below.
It is ESSENTIAL we recycle correctly, that is, to know how to prepare items for recycling and know WHERE to recycle them.
Category A: Paper, magazines, cardboard, plastic bottles
All Category A items can be recycled in either of two ways:
- All these items can be put into recycling bins provided by waste haulers, can be thrown together, and do not have to be sorted. Waste haulers charge customers who recycle.
- All Category A items can be taken to convenience centers FOR FREE. The nearest one to Eldorado is two miles down 285 heading toward Lamy. Recycling is free but the facility is not open around the clock. (SEE BELOW).
Glass can be recycled for free at convenience centers. Some waste haulers (BUT NOT WASTE MANAGMEENT) will accept glass, but you must check to see if they do. However, only glass bottles can be recycled. Glassware, vases, mirrors, or other glass items ARE NOT CURRENTLY RECYCLED IN OUR AREA. If these other materials are in good condition, there are options for where you can take them (SEE BELOW); if they are damaged throw these things into your garbage.
Category C items:
PLASTIC BAGS CAN RECYCLED but at commercial establishments that put out containers for their collection (e.g., Albertsons, Smith’s, Trader Joes). Some other businesses may accept plastic bags but check their website to be sure. DO NOT PUT PLASTIC BAGS IN WITH YOUR OTHER RECYCLING ITEMS. PLEASE, PLEASE, never do that; it creates major problems for recycling operations because the bags clog machines.
The picture below shows how plastic bags can clog recycling machines and cause major problems
The Eldorado Convenience Center (ECC)
Recycling & Waste Disposal in the Eldorado/285 Corridor
Recycling & Waste Disposal in the Eldorado/285 Corridor
The Eldorado Convenience Center (ECC) is a facility of the Santa Fe County Public Works Department. It is located along US 285, approximately two miles south of the Eldorado Vista Grande entrance and serves the Hwy 285 corridor, Lamy, Galisteo and the Glorieta area.
Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 8 am - 5 pm Closed Sunday and Monday
Re-Use is now open Wednesday, Friday, and SATURDAY, 10 am – Noon
ECC accepts trash, recyclables, yard waste, metals, and cold ashes. Some items require payment but recycling drop off is free. NO E-waste accepted! Consult the link below for fee information. ECC also maintains the ReUse area for household goods that might be passed on for use or repair, there is no fee to use this area. See the ReUse Center Page for more information.
ECC Fees Made Simple 2024: What's Free?, What's Not & How Much?
Following are the requirements of each area:
Trash requires a permit or bag tag. Open loads must be covered to prevent littering.
Effective October 20, 2023, the Santa Fe County Treasure office in partnership with the Agora Supermarket (7 Avenida Vista Grande, Santa Fe) and the San Marcos Café & Feed Store (3877 State Rd 14, NM-14, Santa Fe) will be offering solid waste permits and bag tags as a way to better serve constituents who live in rural parts of Santa Fe County.
There is no charge to dispose of recyclables at county convenience centers. There are three containers for corrugated cardboard, glass and mixed recyclables. These items are taken to Buckman Road Recycling and Transfer Station (BuRRT)
Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 8 am - 5 pm Closed Sunday and Monday
Re-Use is now open Wednesday, Friday, and SATURDAY, 10 am – Noon
ECC accepts trash, recyclables, yard waste, metals, and cold ashes. Some items require payment but recycling drop off is free. NO E-waste accepted! Consult the link below for fee information. ECC also maintains the ReUse area for household goods that might be passed on for use or repair, there is no fee to use this area. See the ReUse Center Page for more information.
ECC Fees Made Simple 2024: What's Free?, What's Not & How Much?
Following are the requirements of each area:
Trash requires a permit or bag tag. Open loads must be covered to prevent littering.
Effective October 20, 2023, the Santa Fe County Treasure office in partnership with the Agora Supermarket (7 Avenida Vista Grande, Santa Fe) and the San Marcos Café & Feed Store (3877 State Rd 14, NM-14, Santa Fe) will be offering solid waste permits and bag tags as a way to better serve constituents who live in rural parts of Santa Fe County.
There is no charge to dispose of recyclables at county convenience centers. There are three containers for corrugated cardboard, glass and mixed recyclables. These items are taken to Buckman Road Recycling and Transfer Station (BuRRT)
Here is a picture of the entrance to the 285 convenience center. You stop at the booth, and the attendant will take your name and ask why you have come. He or she will answer any questions you have about the facility.
Category E:items. Eldorado 285 Recycles has created collection points for the following items in a La Tienda building (down the corridor from the Hardware store). We have found businesses or organizations who will recycle or reuse the following items:
Corks, several dental items (and a few other things), razors, egg cartons (Styrofoam or cardboard), plastic pens and magic markers, metal caps, and rubber bands. There are bins for each item. See picture. The bins are available during La Tienda normal working hours. PLEASE CLEAN EACH OF THESE ITEMS BEFORE YOU RECYCLE AND PUT THEM INTO THE PROPER CONTAINER. Thank you.
Eldorado/285 Recycles maintains a drop off area at LaTienda Mall for unusual recyclable items.
Category E:items. Eldorado 285 Recycles has created collection points for the following items in a La Tienda building (down the corridor from the Hardware store). We have found businesses or organizations who will recycle or reuse the following items:
Corks, several dental items (and a few other things), razors, egg cartons (Styrofoam or cardboard), plastic pens and magic markers, metal caps, and rubber bands. There are bins for each item. See picture. The bins are available during La Tienda normal working hours. PLEASE CLEAN EACH OF THESE ITEMS BEFORE YOU RECYCLE AND PUT THEM INTO THE PROPER CONTAINER. Thank you.
Eldorado/285 Recycles maintains a drop off area at LaTienda Mall for unusual recyclable items.
Our sincere thanks to Steve and Destiny of La Tienda for the free use of this space
In Building A, you may recycle:
From left to right:
In Building A, you may recycle:
From left to right:
- Bin for all disposable razors and blade cartridges
- Bin for Rubber Bands
- Bin for Stroll Magazine (this is not a bin run by Eldorado 285 Recycle group)
- Bin (small) for pop tops (bottle and can tops)
- Bin for Corks (NO synthetic corks please)
- Bin for Dental and related products:
- Bin for Egg Cartons (cardboard or Styrofoam material, 6-12-18 eggs only please, no larger trays)
- Bin for all types of Plastic writing instruments (thanks to Jacobs for supporting and funding this box)
Plastic bags, ropes, string, food, hoses, clothing or rags, plastics with numbers 3 through 7, other plastic packaging, Styrofoam, cellophane or sara wrap, napkins, tissue paper, paper towels, plastic cups, plates, or dinnerware. NO PLASTIC BAGS, PLEASE.
Here are several useful recycling guides to help you understand what can and cannot be recycled
Plastic bags, ropes, string, food, hoses, clothing or rags, plastics with numbers 3 through 7, other plastic packaging, Styrofoam, cellophane or sara wrap, napkins, tissue paper, paper towels, plastic cups, plates, or dinnerware. NO PLASTIC BAGS, PLEASE.
- Currently, only plastic bottles or containers with the numbers 1 or 2 on the bottom are accepted for recycling. These include mainly plastic milk, water, detergent, and juice bottles. This means that plastics with other numbers (2 through 7) should not be recycled. Moreover, what are called clamshells are NOT RECYCLABLE CURRENTLY. Clamshells are those plastic containers often used for such items as strawberries, donuts, cookies, apple turnovers, rolls, as well as several other things mailed to consumers or available in stores. Yes, sadly a lot of plastic being produced now is not recyclable.
- Only include what is currently recycled. If you want to know if a particular item can be recycled, guides exist to help you decide. (see below for links). IF IN DOUBT THROW IT OUT. It is better not to include something you are unsure of. This is because recycling businesses want clean loads and recycling businesses will reject loads from Santa Fe if they have too many contaminants (e.g. plastic bags, clothing, food, the wrong plastics).
Here are several useful recycling guides to help you understand what can and cannot be recycled
Recycling Reference Guides
There are many useful pictures and guides that you can follow about how to recycle correctly:
There are many useful pictures and guides that you can follow about how to recycle correctly:
Here are some additional links:
Santa Fe County recycling information web site:
Recycling coach: The city of Albuquerque, (which uses the same recycle provider as Santa Fe) has a great web site where you can ask which items can be recycled. Click this link to go there.
Also: Eldorado Convenience Center Waste Management Guide
There are several more options for recycling additional material and many residents ask what they can do with such items. This is NOT A COMPLETE list of possibilities, but some items in different categories include:
Category F: Computer/electronic equipment.
Computer and electronic equipment and parts should never go into your regular trash or recycling. They often contain dangerous metals that can harm the environment. What can you do with these things? Currently, GOODWILL will accept both working and nonworking computer equipment (e.g., desktop and laptop computers, printers, keyboards, computer mice, and all computer wiring such as battery chargers and surge protectors.) They will only accept the modern thin TELEVISIONS, not the bulky (thick) older models.
BEST BUY will also accept many (BUT NOT ALL) types of electronic items for free. BEST BUY does charge for recycling any TVS, and all computer monitors.
For a fill list of items accepted at Best Buy (some free) click here
Another possibility is to watch for the free recycling events and free electgronic waste days at BuRRt. On several designated days this facility will accept your electronic equipment and parts (and all household hazardous waste items such as paints, solvents, stains, cleaning agents) for free.
Santa Fe County recycling information web site:
Recycling coach: The city of Albuquerque, (which uses the same recycle provider as Santa Fe) has a great web site where you can ask which items can be recycled. Click this link to go there.
Also: Eldorado Convenience Center Waste Management Guide
There are several more options for recycling additional material and many residents ask what they can do with such items. This is NOT A COMPLETE list of possibilities, but some items in different categories include:
Category F: Computer/electronic equipment.
Computer and electronic equipment and parts should never go into your regular trash or recycling. They often contain dangerous metals that can harm the environment. What can you do with these things? Currently, GOODWILL will accept both working and nonworking computer equipment (e.g., desktop and laptop computers, printers, keyboards, computer mice, and all computer wiring such as battery chargers and surge protectors.) They will only accept the modern thin TELEVISIONS, not the bulky (thick) older models.
BEST BUY will also accept many (BUT NOT ALL) types of electronic items for free. BEST BUY does charge for recycling any TVS, and all computer monitors.
For a fill list of items accepted at Best Buy (some free) click here
Another possibility is to watch for the free recycling events and free electgronic waste days at BuRRt. On several designated days this facility will accept your electronic equipment and parts (and all household hazardous waste items such as paints, solvents, stains, cleaning agents) for free.

Category G: Rags. Goodwill will accept rags and torn clothing of many sorts and eventually this material gets recycled into insulation.
Category H: Used engine oil can be recycled for free at convenience centers.
Category I: New and used athletic shoes: Eldorado Recycles 285 has created a collection site for these shoes next to the gym at La Tienda. Depending on their condition, the shoes either go to a women’s or men’s local shelter for reuse, or to Goodwill who will recycle them.
Category J: socks and strings of Christmas lights. Eldorado Recycles 285 has two special seasonal collections. We will collect new (and cleaned and slightly used) men and women’s socks in October. Through December and during the holiday season we collect both working and nonworking strings of Christmas lights (not individual light bulbs). News about exactly when these collections start (and where at La Tienda they can be dropped off will be publicized.
Category K: BATTERIES: Sadly, there currently is NO COLLECTON for used-up alkaline batteries. Rechargeable (lithium) batteries that have finally run out of recharging capacity can be brought to HOME DEPOT, LOWE’S OR BATTERIES PLUS. Please check or call these establishments for any exceptions regarding acceptable rechargeable batteries.
Insert info from website on each site that takes lithium batteries.
Category L: USED, EMPTY, PLASTIC PLANT CONTAINERS. Both HOME DEPOT and LOWE’S will accept these items. Some nurseries such as Payne’s will only accept plant containers at least one quart size or larger but will also accept plant trays (for multiple plants). Call first.
Category M: Lightbulbs
The “old” 50, 75, or 100 watt incandescent lightbulbs are NOT recyclable and should go into your trash. With respect to the more “modern” bulbs……
Category H: Used engine oil can be recycled for free at convenience centers.
Category I: New and used athletic shoes: Eldorado Recycles 285 has created a collection site for these shoes next to the gym at La Tienda. Depending on their condition, the shoes either go to a women’s or men’s local shelter for reuse, or to Goodwill who will recycle them.
Category J: socks and strings of Christmas lights. Eldorado Recycles 285 has two special seasonal collections. We will collect new (and cleaned and slightly used) men and women’s socks in October. Through December and during the holiday season we collect both working and nonworking strings of Christmas lights (not individual light bulbs). News about exactly when these collections start (and where at La Tienda they can be dropped off will be publicized.
Category K: BATTERIES: Sadly, there currently is NO COLLECTON for used-up alkaline batteries. Rechargeable (lithium) batteries that have finally run out of recharging capacity can be brought to HOME DEPOT, LOWE’S OR BATTERIES PLUS. Please check or call these establishments for any exceptions regarding acceptable rechargeable batteries.
Insert info from website on each site that takes lithium batteries.
Category L: USED, EMPTY, PLASTIC PLANT CONTAINERS. Both HOME DEPOT and LOWE’S will accept these items. Some nurseries such as Payne’s will only accept plant containers at least one quart size or larger but will also accept plant trays (for multiple plants). Call first.
Category M: Lightbulbs
The “old” 50, 75, or 100 watt incandescent lightbulbs are NOT recyclable and should go into your trash. With respect to the more “modern” bulbs……
- Home Depot CFLs ONLY, no fluorescent tubes 952 Richards Avenue (505) 424-9463
- Lowe’s Home Improvement CFLs ONLY, no fluorescent tubes 3458 Zafarano Road (505) 819-4080
- BuRRT will take fluorescent tubes and CFLs and can be dropped off on Fridays & Saturdays between 8:00 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Category N: How to recycle Amazon Packaging
Amazon Customers, click below to learn how to recycle all that Amazon Packaging material such as their boxes, bubble envelopes, and "Prime Now" paper bags.
Amazon Customers, click below to learn how to recycle all that Amazon Packaging material such as their boxes, bubble envelopes, and "Prime Now" paper bags.
Many of us have things that we may no longer need or want but can be used in another household. PLEASE THINK ABOUT DONATING ITEMS you no longer need or want so that others can use them instead of throwing things away. One person’s unneeded stuff is often wanted or usable by others (e.g., for art projects, refurbishing, or just to be used again by someone).
WHAT CAN BE REUSED? Almost anything, although it is difficult to know who will accept which items.
Our organization has established and maintained a RE-Use Center at the 285 convenience center that accepts a wide range of re-usable items such as tools, gardening equipment, kitchen and plateware, small furniture, knickknacks, and many other things. During 2023 our ReUse center was able to divert over 16 and 1/2 tons of materials from our landfill. In other words, visitors came and took that much material FOR FREE that was donated by other households.
The Re-use center does NOT accept electronic or computer equipment, clothing, food, liquids of any kind, and very large items which consume too much space. PLEASE CLEAN UP ANY ITEMS YOU DONATE, and attach clearly labeled needed parts that belong to a donated item.
Note. Many items accepted at the RE-Use Center (AS WELL AS several larger ITEMS WE CANNOT ACCEPT) can also be donated to local charities such as GOODWILL, HABITAT FOR HUMANITY, local animal shelters, and various other places or thrift stores (e.g., Saver’s). Check their websites or call the organization to learn what these other places accept or do not accept.
Many of us have things that we may no longer need or want but can be used in another household. PLEASE THINK ABOUT DONATING ITEMS you no longer need or want so that others can use them instead of throwing things away. One person’s unneeded stuff is often wanted or usable by others (e.g., for art projects, refurbishing, or just to be used again by someone).
WHAT CAN BE REUSED? Almost anything, although it is difficult to know who will accept which items.
Our organization has established and maintained a RE-Use Center at the 285 convenience center that accepts a wide range of re-usable items such as tools, gardening equipment, kitchen and plateware, small furniture, knickknacks, and many other things. During 2023 our ReUse center was able to divert over 16 and 1/2 tons of materials from our landfill. In other words, visitors came and took that much material FOR FREE that was donated by other households.
The Re-use center does NOT accept electronic or computer equipment, clothing, food, liquids of any kind, and very large items which consume too much space. PLEASE CLEAN UP ANY ITEMS YOU DONATE, and attach clearly labeled needed parts that belong to a donated item.
Note. Many items accepted at the RE-Use Center (AS WELL AS several larger ITEMS WE CANNOT ACCEPT) can also be donated to local charities such as GOODWILL, HABITAT FOR HUMANITY, local animal shelters, and various other places or thrift stores (e.g., Saver’s). Check their websites or call the organization to learn what these other places accept or do not accept.
Metal Scrap
Donation centers
If your item is still in working and/or good condition, you might dispose of it at a Donation Center.
Metal Scrap
- Capital Scrap Metals 1162 Cooks Lane 471-0740
- Mr.G's Recycling 7625 Baca Lane 474-6969
Donation centers
If your item is still in working and/or good condition, you might dispose of it at a Donation Center.
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of NM 1710 Llano St., 938-9000
- Green drop-off box at LaTienda.
- Goodwill 3060 Cerrillos Rd., 424-9726
- Habitat For Humanity ReStore 2520 Camino Entrada, 473-1114
- Hospice Center Thrift Store 1303 Cerrillos Rd. 995-9901
- Look What the Cat Dragged In 2570 Camino Entrada 474-6300 and
(Santa Fe Humane Society) 541 W. Cordova Rd. 780-8975 - Salvation Army 1202 Camino Carlos Rey. 473-7735
- St Elizabeth's Shelter 804 Alarid St. 982-6611
- St. Vincent De Paul Society 1088 Early St. 989-8328
- Savers 3294 Cerrillos Rd. 919-7185
- RESOURCEFUL SANTA FE 2879 A Industrial Road. 505-603-0558
We urge each household to reduce the amount of material they collect to prevent the issue of how to get rid of it when the time comes. There is so much needless waste that anything we can do in terms of buying or using less plastic, and buying more eco-friendly items would help our community in the long run. The time will come when our local landfill reaches capacity and establishing a new one will be an ultra-expensive and time-consuming process. Each of us can do something and the collective impact can be considerable.
Once you learn what is recyclable in our area and what is not and how to recycle correctly, the task becomes easy and is a fine thing to teach children who will grow up with the habit and expectation that recycling and reuse are important and easy tasks.
We urge each household to reduce the amount of material they collect to prevent the issue of how to get rid of it when the time comes. There is so much needless waste that anything we can do in terms of buying or using less plastic, and buying more eco-friendly items would help our community in the long run. The time will come when our local landfill reaches capacity and establishing a new one will be an ultra-expensive and time-consuming process. Each of us can do something and the collective impact can be considerable.
Once you learn what is recyclable in our area and what is not and how to recycle correctly, the task becomes easy and is a fine thing to teach children who will grow up with the habit and expectation that recycling and reuse are important and easy tasks.